Next-Level Learning

Classical Honors

The Classics at St. Paul’s School – languages, literatures, histories, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome – have been part of the curriculum since the School’s founding more than 150 years ago. Students read the epic poetry of Homer and Virgil, the speeches of Cicero, the philosophy of Plato, and the histories of Herodotus – all in the original languages. They explore a wide range of cultures from ancient Europe, Africa, and the Near East, and they come away with a deepened appreciation for how the ancient and modern worlds remain profoundly intertwined.

Caleb, California

“Learning Latin and Greek opens you up to this entire, vast world where you can learn where the quintessential values of our society – and human nature – come from.”
The Classical Honors Program (CHP) is open to students who want to make Latin and Greek a central part of their SPS experience. You will master both Latin and Greek, possessing 3,000 vocabulary words and having read classical authors in their native languages upon completion of the program. This includes taking Honors Latin each year, and at least two years of Greek.  As part of the Honors Program, you will meet and learn from the faculties of nearby colleges, participate in Classics-related field trips, receive first priority for our spring trip to Greece and Italy, complete a capstone project during your Sixth-Form year, and receive a special Classical Honors Diploma at graduation, one of the highest distinctions a St. Paul’s student can earn.

Study Tour

Experience the ancient world firsthand by traveling to Greece and Italy during Spring Vacation (offered every two years). These two-week adventures allow students to experience firsthand the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome by visiting archaeological sites and museums, eating authentic Greek and Italian food, and deepening their understanding of what they learn in the classroom.

Extracurricular Options

Become a member of the Classics Society, participate in Certamen (Latin quiz bowl), perform in the annual Latin play, attend guest lectures and plays at nearby institutions and take field trips to museums in Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. Make the Classics come alive!

Applying to the CHP

Students apply to enter the Classical Honors Program as part of the SPS admission process or during their first year of Greek study at St. Paul's School.

For those who apply during the admission process, an invitation to join the honors program is determined by prior Latin coursework, teacher recommendations, and a demonstration of skills in Latin translation and reading comprehension.

Students already at SPS who wish to join the program need to submit a letter of application. They must have completed an Honors Latin course at SPS with a final grade of High Honors (HH) and at least two terms of Greek with term grades of Honors with Commendation (H+) or above.

Students in the Classical Honors Program are expected to continue their study of Latin at the Honors level throughout their time at SPS and to take a minimum of two sequential years of Greek. They are also expected to participate in the Study Tour of Greece and Italy as well as all honors program field trips. Financial aid for some travel expenses is available for those who qualify.

The Classics are Alive at SPS!

Ready to learn more? Director of the Classical Honors Program Ryan Samuels can answer your questions.

Call: 603-229-6055

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