
Chapel Program

    • Chapel from across the pond

Chapel at St. Paul’s School is where we begin our day as a community. It is a welcoming gathering place for prayer, reflection, music, and celebration. Informed and inspired by the inclusive Episcopal tradition, chapel life at SPS honors humanistic principles and all faiths. Chapel provides a platform for shared experiences that invite and challenge us to “learn those things on earth the knowledge of which continues in heaven” (St. Paul’s School motto).

All community members and groups are welcome to give a talk or presentation in the Chapel or to invite an external speaker. All students, regardless of their faith are invited to join any of the existing Chapel groups or to start their own. The Chaplaincy is here to help.

Blair, New York

“Chapel is like family. It’s great to see everyone before you start your day.”

Getting Involved

The School Prayer

"Grant, O Lord, that in all the joys of life we may never forget to be kind. Help us to be unselfish in friendship, thoughtful of those less happy than ourselves, and eager to bear the burdens of others; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen."


    • People gathered inside chapel

    • Chapel Steeple

    • Historical photo of the SPS Chapel

Chapel History

The Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul, as it now stands, represents a continuous development from its beginnings in 1886.
Scholarship. Leadership.
Character. Community.
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