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DEIJ Update: The Work Continues

by Bethany Dickerson Wynder
Building on the legacy of Episcopal Bishop John T. Walker
Episcopal Bishop John T. Walker served as the first Black SPS faculty member (1957-1966) and often worked behind the scenes to advance his belief that a broken world could yet be restored. SPS continues to build on his legacy by advancing its ever-evolving and multifaceted DEI work to better serve students today, and in the future.
Current efforts underway include elevating the DEI Office, which provides comprehensive coordination of multiple initiatives, including the Faculty DEI Council, Student DEI Council, 13 student affinity and alliance groups, the reimagined Interfaith Council, and enhancements to the School’s relationship with Black and Brown alumni/alumnae.
Last year, SPS created a Mosaic (DEI) team of 18 individuals who are deeply engaged in the integration of DEI work within different spaces at the institution (e.g. Dean of Students, Student and Faculty DEI Councils, Human Resources, Admission, Advancement, Office of the Chaplaincy, etc.). Many members of this group are co-designing a year-round series of DEI learning events and programs that include the honoring of many important cultural observances (e.g. Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, LGBTQ History Month, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Native American History Month, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, etc.). The ultimate measure of this learning series is to align with the ABC model of Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, a well-respected DEI practitioner: affirm identity, build community, and cultivate leadership. Students will be challenged to make the most of community interactions and conversations held with some of today’s most significant voices, including Episcopal Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg, New York Poet Laureate Willie Perdomo, and documentary filmmaker Sandra Guzman.
Thirteen affinity and alliance groups, representing approximately 35% of the student body, were active during Fall Term. Raising the visibility of the groups early in the school year, student group leaders co-designed and hosted the first annual Affinity and Alliance Group Fair, in Raffini Commons, attended by nearly 100 students. Group members meet regularly; and, with their advisers, develop opportunities and activities that inform the larger SPS community of the issues and challenges they face. Aligned with the work of Rosetta Lee, an expert DEI practitioner, the groups instill pride and provide protection, preparation, and practice around how an eclectic mix of students can have effective and difficult conversations within the larger community.
A recently launched refreshed DEIJ web page on the School’s website ( serves as a useful and informative resource for all who visit, and a soon-to-be-created internal, online portal will offer a DEIJ information hub for use by all SPS faculty, staff, and students.
With a full and productive Fall Term completed, the new relationships being forged, enhanced communication systems, and new, evolving understandings will bolster the entire community as families face the as yet unforeseen challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.



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